External Identifiers
When Schedaero is integrated with a third-party system, certain resources in Schedaero will directly correspond to a resource in the other system. This direct correlation can help to simplify and streamline data management processes, enabling seamless communication and data transfer between the two systems.
For example, if you are integrating Schedaero with a CRM, a contact may exist in both Schedaero and the CRM. External identifiers allow you to record the external system’s unique identifier in Schedaero, and also permit users to deep-link between the two systems.
Create External System
To use external identifiers, you must first tell Schedaero about the system that you will link to Schedaero. You should record the Schedaero-assigned identifier for the system as you will need them to populate identifiers in the future.
Please note
You may create as many external systems as you require, but they must each have a unique name.
POST https://sandbox-schedaero.avinode.com/api/externalsystems
"name": "MyCRM"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Avinode-ApiVersion: v1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Location: https://sandbox-schedaero.avinode.com/api/externalsystems/external-system-123456789
{"meta":{} }
To link a contact to an external system, PATCH the contact/system with the unique identifier for the external system’s record. The unique identifier must be unique across all Schedaero contacts linked to the same system.
Contact External Identity
Identity Attributes
identifier | Mandatory | Unique identifier for the contact in an external system |
uri | Optional | When supplied, the Schedaero UI displays this as a deep-link to the external system |
name | Optional | When supplied, the Schedaero UI displays this as the text of the deep link |
Screenshot from Schedaero

UPDATE contact external identity
PATCH https://sandbox-schedaero.avinode.com/api/contacts/people/contact-123456789/externalidentity/external-system-123456789
"identifier": "ABCDEF-123456",
"name": "CRM Customer",
"uri": "https://app.mycrm.com/customers/edit/abcdef-123456"
REMOVE contact external identity
PATCH https://sandbox-schedaero.avinode.com/api/contacts/people/contact-123456789/externalidentity/external-system-123456789
"isActive": "false"
RETRIEVE a contact's identities
GET https://sandbox-schedaero.avinode.com/api/contacts/people/contact-123456789?fields[contact]=externalidentities
"data": {
"externalIdentities": [{
"identifier": "ABCDEF-123456",
"name": "CRM Customer",
"uri": "https://app.mycrm.com/customers/edit/abcdef-123456",
"isActive": true,
"id": "contact-123456789/externalidentity/external-system-123456789",
"href": "https://[REDACTED]-schedaero.avinode.local/api/contacts/people/contact-123456789/externalidentity/external-system-123456789",
"type": "schedaero-identity"
"id": "contact-123456789",
"href": "https://[REDACTED]-schedaero.avinode.local/api/contacts/people/contact-123456789",
"type": "contact-person",
"meta": {}
Updated about 2 years ago