All developers should have a good understanding of the concepts explained on this page, as this terminology is widely used in the documentation.
An aircraft refers to a specific physical aircraft identified by its tail number. An aircraft is of a specific aircraft type.
Aircraft Category
Each aircraft type belongs to a category. These are the fixed wing categories available to all companies in the Avinode Marketplace.
- Piston – Small piston-powered aircraft.
- Turbo prop – Turbo prop-powered aircraft that seat up to 19 passengers.
- Entry level jet (VLJ) – Jet aircraft with a MTOW of up to 12 000 lbs.
- Light jet – Jet aircraft with a MTOW between 12 000 and 18 000 lbs.
- Super light jet – Jet aircraft with a MTOW between 18 000 and 22 000 lbs.
- Midsize jet – Jet aircraft with a MTOW between 22 000 and 30 000 lbs.
- Super midsize jet – Jet aircraft with a MTOW between 30 000 and 40 000 lbs.
- Heavy jet – Jet aircraft with a MTOW of more than 41 000 lbs.
- Ultra long range – Heavy jets with a range of more than 5 000 NM.
- VIP airliner – VIP-configured airliners.
- Airliner – Non-VIP airliners that seat 20 passengers or more.
These are the two available categories for helicopters:
- Helicopter single engine
- Helicopter twin engine
Aircraft Type
An aircraft type contains information about a group of aircraft with the same or very similar specifications. Each aircraft is connected to one aircraft type. Examples of aircraft types are:
- Falcon 7X
- Boeing 727-200C
- Challenger 604
- Bell 205
- Eurocopter AS355F2
Air Operator Certificate (AOC)
A certificate issued by a country’s national aviation authority, allowing the operator to use the aircraft for the specified commercial purposes.
Aircraft Search
This is a search feature offered to Avinode members. For a given itinerary, the search feature returns the available aircraft. The search result includes routes and prices calculated from information provided by the companies marketing the aircraft.
A programmable interface that can be used to access data and services. This can be used to power different applications.
API Subscription
Some applications will require an active API Subscription to be allowed to call the APIs.
In this documentation, application refers to the software implementing and calling the APIs.
Avinode Marketplace
An international online marketplace used by the majority of professional buyers and sellers of private air charter flights.
Avinode Member
A company with an Avinode Marketplace membership. Avinode is a B2B marketplace so end-clients cannot be Avinode members.
Avinode or Schedaero Partner
A company with a professional relationship with Avinode or Schedaero. This can be companies providing tools and services for the private air charter business. Some examples are providers of fleet management systems, fuel providers etc.
Avinode TripManager
An online tool used by brokers to handle quoting, manage trip workflow, and more.
Avinode Web Apps
The Avinode Web Apps are widget like apps that can be installed by Avinode members on their company web pages.
A company that arranges transactions between the end-client and the seller. The broker often also arranges other trip related services for the end-client. This can be, for example, ground transportation, hotel accommodation etc.
Company Account
An account set up for a specific company. A company account has a number of user accounts. A company account can have a list of aircraft that the company operates or markets.
Empty Leg
Empty legs are flights that the operator needs to do to position an aircraft. These flights can be marketed in the Avinode Marketplace in an attempt to find business for them.
Empty Leg Search
This is a search feature offered to Avinode members. For a given departure and arrival airport, the search feature returns matching empty legs. The empty legs does not necessarily have to be an exact match to the given airports. The search feature can also return matching empty legs given only a departure or arrival airport.
End Client
The customer buying a trip. In many cases, the end client will be one of the passengers in the trip. The end client is usually a customer of the broker.
An itinerary holds information about one of more flight legs.
A lead represents some kind of need an end-client has communicated to a buyer or potentially directly to an operator. A lead holds information about the end-client. It also has information about what the end-client is looking for. This can specify an itinerary and one or more lift.
Leg (aka Segment)
A leg represents a flight movement between locations. This is normally between two airports but the location can be, for example, a city or an address. The leg also has information about departure time and/or arrival time. It can also hold information about the number of passengers, flight times, distance etc.
A lift can be specified on different levels. It can be specified as an aircraft, or more generally as an aircraft type or even as an aircraft category.
Marketed Aircraft
This is an aircraft that is marketed in the Avinode Marketplace. Each aircraft can only be marketed by one Avinode member company. This company must be the operator holding the AOC for the aircraft or an marketing company holding a valid marketing agreement with the operator.
Marketing Agent
A company that holds a marketing agreement with an operator, allowing them to sell flights for the specified aircraft.
A company that holds one or more air operator’s certificates and operates the aircraft listed on these.
A quote is an offer that a seller sends to a buyer as a reply to an RFQ. A quote contains information about what lift the quote is for, the itinerary and the price offered to the buyer. The quote itinerary may differ from the itinerary the buyer requested in the RFQ. This can happen if, for example, the quote is only for parts of the requested itinerary or if the seller wants to offer an alternative departure airport.
The seller can reply to an RFQ with any number of quotes.
A quote may be “Avinode Generated”. This means that Avinode has used the aircraft performance and pricing information, provided by the seller, to generate a quote on behalf of the seller.
Request For Quote (RFQ)
For any given trip, the buyer can send RFQ's to sellers to request quotes for the whole trip or parts of it. An RFQ has information about the itinerary the buyer is requesting quotes for. It may also include information about what lift the buyer is looking for.
An online tool used by operators to handle scheduling, quoting, flight & duty logging, invoicing, and more.
Schedaero Member
A company using Schedaero.
A company marketing aircraft in the Avinode Marketplace. It can be the operator or a marketing agent.
A trip is something a buyer arranges for an end-client. It has an itinerary describing where and when the end-client wants to fly. It can also be connected to information about the end-client, RFQs sent to sellers, quotes received from sellers etc.
User Account
A separate user account exist for each person at the company that has access to the company account. Each user account has a set of permissions defining which features and what data the person can access.
Event listener
An event listener is a function in JavaScript that waits for an event to occur then responds to it.
Updated 6 months ago