Working with Deep Links
Some resources in Avinode and Schedaero APIs may include URIs to a corresponding page in the Avinode/Schedaero application, often known as a “deep link”. If a deep link is available, it will be returned in the resource’s actions or links collection.
If a user clicks the deep link on a web page, the following will happen:
- If not already authenticated, the user will be prompted to authenticate with Avinode/Schedaero
- If the user has permissions to view the page, they will be redirected to the application page to view/edit the resource.
Deep Link Example in Avinode
Compare in Avinode Deep Link
In this specific example the GET request on an existing RFQ will contain the deep link searchInAvinode within the API response body. Calling the URI of this action will run a search with the parameters (itinerary, date, pax, category) of the original RFQ and open up the Avinode web UI displaying the search results.
"meta": {
"errors": [],
"warnings": [],
"infos": []
"data": {
"id": "arfq-68998748",
"href": "",
"type": "rfqs",
"links": {
"tripmsgs": [
"id": "abuyermsg-69421520",
"href": "",
"type": "tripmsgs"
"actions": {
"searchInAvinode": {
"type": "searchInAvinode",
"description": "Compare in Avinode",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"href": ""
"viewInSchedAero": {
"type": "viewInSchedAero",
"description": "View in SchedAero",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"href": ""
"book": {
"type": "book",
"description": "Book the trip",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"href": ""
"submitQuote": {
"type": "submitQuote",
"description": "Submit a quote",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"href": ""
"decline": {
"type": "decline",
"description": "Decline",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"href": ""
"viewInAvinode": {
"type": "viewInAvinode",
"description": "View in Avinode",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"href": ""
Deep Link Example in Schedaero
Trip Deep Link
Trip resources contain the deep link “schedaero-interactive-edit” in their links collection. The user will be taken to the correct interactive page for the current state of the trip – either Edit Quote for a quoted trip or Overview for a scheduled trip.
"data": {
"id": "schedaero-trip-123456789",
"href": "",
"type": "schedaero-trip",
"links": {
"schedaero-interactive-edit": {
"href": ""
"meta": {}
Updated 10 months ago