With the help of this page, you as a developer can acquire a comprehensive overview of Avinode Group APIs, enabling valuable insights into their functionalities.
Our swagger pages have information about the JSON format returned by all the available API operations and also the JSON format expected by any POST and PUT operation. The Request body – Edit Value section shows the JSON code and the Model tab displays more detailed information about each JSON property.
To run API calls directly from Swagger, the Sandbox API token and Authorization tokens issued for your API project/integration should be used. Without credentials, you can still browse what is available.
Avinode & Schedaero APIs
Based on your API requirements, please utilize the appropriate link provided below. It is important to note that both Schedaero and Avinode Trip Manager share identical APIs.
Schedaero / Avinode Trip Manager APIs
Testing API Operations
The Swagger page can be used to make test calls to the API operations available on the Sandbox. By entering the API Token and the Authorization Token in the form at the top of the page and any operation’s required input, the operation can be called and the Swagger page will display the response.
Please note
On the Swagger page the Authorization Token needs to be entered with the ‘Bearer’ prefix.
Updated about 1 year ago