Create an End Client Search Lead
Please note: clientIdentifier - The Client Identifier value is a unique ID assigned by your back end. This will prevent duplicate Client Leads from being created. As long as a request is still a Client Lead in Avinode, the information therein will not be changed/updated regardless of the client sending another request or if any details are changed (itinerary, client name, contact details, etc.).
The only way to create an additional Client Lead in Avinode is by your back end assigning a new value to the clientIdentifier in the POST /leads request body.
"inquiryLift": [
"aircraftType" : "Gulfstream G-V",
"priceExpectation" : 25000,
"availabilityId" : null
"searchId" : "asearch-40576413",
"leadContactInfo": {
"name": "John Smith",
"title": "Dr",
"url": "http://www.smithandsons.test",
"emailAddresses": [
"type": "Work",
"emailAddress": "john@smithandsons.test"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "Work",
"phoneNumber": "+123456700"
"type": "Home",
"phoneNumber": "+123456789"
"leadCurrency": "EUR",
"leadMessage": "I want to bring my dog.",
"leadLocale": "en",
"campaignIdentifier": "Sales Campaign 3",
"clientIdentifier": "clientID-12001"
Create an Empty Leg Client Lead
When creating an Empty Leg Client Lead, the searchId along with the inquiryLift.emptyLegId parameters need to be included in the request body payload.
"searchId" : "asearch-56611822",
"inquiryLift": [{
"emptyLegId": "el-403487289",
"priceExpectation": 0
"leadContactInfo": {
"name": "Empty Leg Buyer",
"title": "Mr",
"url": "http://www.empty-leg-buyer-corp.test",
"emailAddresses": [
"type": "Work",
"emailAddress": "buyer@empty-leg-buyer-corp.test"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "Work",
"phoneNumber": "+123456700"
"type": "Home",
"phoneNumber": "+123456789"
"leadCurrency": "USD",
"leadMessage": "I want to bring my dog.",
"leadLocale": "en",
"campaignIdentifier": "Empty Leg Campaign 1",
"clientIdentifier": "clientID-22001"