Decline the request of a buyer



The requestId used as path param is either:

  • A lift id. Using this will decline a specific requested lift in the RFQ. If the RFQ contains other requested lift, not yet declined or quoted, then these will still be considered unanswered.
  • An RFQ id. Using this will decline the entire RFQ, including any requested lift.

Request example

When declining a quote, you can provide both a message string and a decline reason.

  "message": "Sorry, we have no available aircraft for this trip.",
  "declineReason": "AIRCRAFT_NOT_AVAILABLE",
  "suppressNotification": false

Decline reasons

The declineReason field must contain one of the following predefined values:

Decline ReasonDescription
AIRCRAFT_NOT_AVAILABLEThe requested aircraft is unavailable for the trip.
CABOTAGEThe trip violates cabotage restrictions.
CREW_NOT_AVAILABLEThe crew required for the trip is unavailable.
OWNER_DECLINEDThe aircraft owner has declined the trip.
UNATTRACTIVE_TRIPThe trip is not deemed attractive or worthwhile.
UNKNOWNThe reason for the decline is unknown.
NOTE: This reason is not available in the Avinode Marketplace Web UI and will only display a greyed out/disabled “-- Decline reason --” drop-down if sent.
OTHERAny other reason not covered by the predefined options.


Remember the username

This operation supports sending an Avinode user account login in the header "X-Avinode-ActAsAccount". Sending a username/login will let the broker see the corresponding first and last name in Avinode Trips pages as well as in the reply emails, for a more personal touch.

Not sending this header we will default to display the company name instead.

Read more about this request header here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!