Create settings. Avinode will notify your server in near real-time of events you are interested in.

Avinode will notify your server in near real-time of events you are interested in.

Notification Event Types

Event Type StringNameDescription
"ClientLeads"Client LeadsNotifies of incoming client leads (from a web app for ex.)
"EmptyLegs"Empty LegsNotifies of new or updated empty legs matching any of the empty leg watches setup.
"TripRequest"Trip RequestNotifies you on a new trip request, update or cancellation from a buyer
"TripRequestSellerResponse"Trip Request - Seller ResponseNotifies you when a seller responds to your trip request
"TripRequestMine"Trip Request (My Company)Notifies you when someone in your company sends a trip request / cancellation
"TripRequestSellerResponseMine"Trip Request - Seller Response (My Company)Notifies you when someone in your company responds to a trip request
"TripChatFromBuyer"Trip Chat - BuyerNotifies you on a trip chat message from a buyer
"TripChatFromSeller"Trip Chat - SellerNotifies you on a trip chat message from a seller
"TripChatMine"Trip Chat (My Company)Notifies you when someone in your company chats on a tri

Webhook setup payload example

    "targetURI": "",
    "displayName": "MyExampleFMS - Avinode notifications",
    "active": true,
    "clientIdentifier": "login123",
    "clientSecret": "ks7U5twP",
    "clientAuthenticationType": "BASIC",
    "eventTypes": [
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!