JUMP TOGetting startedIntroductionAvinode APIsPartnershipList partnerships for your tenant.getCreate a new partnershippostRead a single partnership by unique identifier.getUpdate a partnershipputList aircraft on a given partnershipgetAdd an aircraft to a partnershippostRemove an aircraft from a partnershipputRemove an aircraft from a partnershipdeleteAircraftSearch for aircraft by tail number.getRead a single aircraft by prefixed ID.getRead a single tail by UUIDgetList all aircraft typesgetSearch aircraft typesgetLoad a single aircraft type by IDgetLoad a single aircraft type by UUIDgetCalculate flight time(s)postRead the schedule(s) for all of your fleet.getUpdate a scheduleputReturn all aircraft that the caller has access togetSearch for the schedule(s) of aircraft by tail number.getSearch the scheduled trips of aircraft.getRead a single scheduled trip.getUpdate service info for a single schedule activity as a service provider.putRead the schedule for a single aircraftgetRead scheduled trips for a single aircraftgetRun an availability search for a given itinerary.postRead a prior search.getTripsRead a quotegetRead all external quotesgetRead the data stream of a quote attachmentgetList requests-for-quotes (RFQs) sent to your companygetCreate an RFQpostExport a CSV with all buyer companies. This is intended to be a one-time operation to "bootstrap" a customer list in new software.getRead a single RFQgetCancel a single RFQputRead all RFQs for a given trip identifier.getRead a trip messagegetCreate a booking for a given request.postSend a messagepostDecline the request of a buyerpostSubmit a quote to the buyerpostCreate a trippostSearch tripsgetRead a tripgetUpdate a tripputCancel a tripputRead a trip board postgetAirportsSearch airportsgetRead a single airportgetWebhooksList settingsgetCreate settings. Avinode will notify your server in near real-time of events you are interested in.postRead settingsgetUpdate settingsputEmpty LegsUpdate an Empty Leg.putCreate an Empty Leg.postRun an empty leg search.postRead all watch configurations.getCreate "watch" configuration. A watch tells Avinode what empty legs you are interested in. Use in conjunction with Webhooks to receive notification when anything changes with matching empty legs.postRead watch configuration.getUpdate watch configuration.putReturns all empty legs that match the given watch as of NOW.getRead a single Empty Leg.getDelete a single Empty Leg.deleteClient LeadsCreate a new client leadpostRead a single client leadgetPricingRead pricing related settingsgetPaynode APIPaymentRequestList payment requestsgetCreate a payment requestpostSearch payment requestsgetGet a payment requestgetUpdate a payment request's identity in an external system, creating it if it did not previously exist. Only fields supplied in the request will be modified. Either PUT or PATCH http method may be used, with identical behavior.putPublish a payment requestputVoid a payment requestputStream the binary content of a specific document.getRead the binary content of a named document.getAirportsSearch airportsgetRead a single airportgetWebhooksList settingsgetCreate settings. Avinode will notify your server in near real-time of events you are interested in.postRead settingsgetUpdate settingsputCompaniesList systems for the current companygetCreate a system for the current company.postRead a system for the current company by unique IDgetUpdate a system for the current company.patchRead a tripget https://sandbox.avinode.com/api/trips/{id}